Professor S. K.Tripathi-UG Edu-Vision 2015

Dear Sir,

            I am writing this letter in the capacity of Professor of Forensic Medicine at Department of Forensic Medicine, Institute of Medical Sciences, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi    This is with reference to the proposed new curriculum for undergraduate medical education as outlined in the document “Vision 2015” (posted in the MCI website at the following URL:

            It is my feeling that the document is seriously flawed and can adversely impact the teaching of forensic medicine and toxicology to undergraduate medical students. The following are issues of great concern, which must preclude the document from being implemented in its present form:

1.         The Committee which drafted the document (VISION 2015) does not represent all stake holders of UG or PG medical curriculum. It is unacceptable for a small team of individuals, where specifically forensic medicine experts (academician) has not been incorporated then how the decision has been taken for this subject to take out from undergraduate course as a separate subject as it is presently continuing? 

2.         The decision taken by present committee members of BOG who are non forensic medicine personnel then the present study curriculum which deals with the knowledge of law for medical practice and knowledge of medicine for court of justice has been evaluated by them?  Undoubtly they are ignorant to the depth of knowledge of Forensic Medicine in regards to the various State duties given by the registered medical doctors for the judiciary system, law enforcing agencies and above to all for the betterment of mankind to protect and prevent the social illnesses i.e. related to physical violence, murder, sexual offences etc., which is an important duty of any doctors.

            Therefore how the justice with this subject can be think about by above mentioned BOG members of present body? 

3.          Presently all over India all kinds of medicolegal works of the hospital alongwith conduction of medicolegal postmortem examination done by the MBBS doctors irrespective they are working in Government setup or in private setup, it became possible only because they have been trained for this specific work for the state, mankind and for proper justice in court of law in present MBBS course.

            Now the question is there after implementation of vision 2015 where exposure and teaching of medicolegal works by forensic medicine experts if not given in absence of forensic medicine subject in MBBS course then how future basic doctor (MBBS) will serve state duty and social justice? 

4.         Forensic Medicine subject knowledge to a doctor is nothing but working as a bridge between judiciary & law enforcing agencies system and medical system for the benefit of mankind.  If the bridge is broken then it will not be possible to give a social justice and legal justice from a medical man to the countrymen of India.

            The decision taken by the BOG members in present context certainly will cause an irreversible damage to the justice with the Indian population.  Therefore the present BOG decision cannot be accepted in Toto for MBBS curriculum. 

5.         Judiciary system of India, in context to various human violence, will not be solved in absence of forensic medicine subject knowledge to the future MBBS doctors of India.  It is because in present system 92% to 98% medicolegal works is conducted by present MBBS doctors all over the country as they have learnt this subject knowledge separately 1½ years period in third, fourth and fifth semester course of MBBS.

            Purview of Vision 2015 the future basic MBBS doctors will not be in position to serve the country for specific works as detailed in above paras.      
            In view of the above, I strongly feel that the subjects of forensic medicine & toxicology must actually be strengthened and not be weakened/withdrawn from MBBS curriculum as an important subject, in Indian medical education system.  Further, it is important that without this subject knowledge it will never be possible to serve Indian countrymen by any future doctors.

With regards,

Yours sincerely,

Department  of Forensic Medicine
Institute of Medical Sciences
Banaras Hindu University
Varanasi-221005. (U.P.)

Telephone:                (Office)           0542-6703368 & 0542-2368607.
                                    (Resi.)            0542-2300080
                                    (Mobile)          09450710494

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