Dr.Prakash.I.Babladi's comments on vision-2015

Ayyooooooooo got puzzled, by recommendations of MEU formed by BOG for Vision 2015.
It is not vision 2015, it is vision 1915. MEU comprises of Surgeons, Gynecologist, Anatomist and Pharmacologist etc. Only from some limited subject experts not all, as the medical education consists of 21 subjects, should have sorted the views of all specialty and thought of curriculum.
A hanging sword on the neck of forensic medicine and toxicology faculty members. Earlier MCI body was in thought of merging this subject in to some other subject like pathology and community medicine. Now the new body is giving a harmful disgusting touch by merging the topics in other subjects. Does they want to abolish the subject as a whole?
Once the sword was in its case, it was getting rusted due to the efforts of some established professionals of our faculty. It has come out in the hands of our own colleagues of other subjects, who are the members of Medical education unit formed by BOG of MCI. Come join hands for every ones effort to keep the sword there in the same case, let it get rust and stuck, so that any time in next coming years such intentions should not come in one’s mind. 
Is it an attempt to murder or murder? Is it a war against us? Did they want our head and neck to be decapitated? Then why this subject got existence with Post graduation degree? Why the future under graduate should be devoid of learning forensic medicine and toxicology. Are they not going to work in government hospitals, PHC and PHUs? It is not only confined to post-mortem, there are so many other aspects of forensic medicine. This subject which is of utmost helpful to the practicing doctors of all specialties, and to some extent even for common man or general public, they are also getting awareness of this.
As many of us are aware that in so many crimes, the expert opinion from the competent person has been sort to uphold our judiciary in many of the sensational cases. The legal opinion is most helpful in making judgment in courts. Many a times the forensic experts are called to solve the untold truth, and in turn we do contribute to resolve the same with our efficiency and competency by our skill and knowledge. The judiciary and the police will also not differ with this I think.
It’s not too late, better our BOG members of MCI should rethink and justify themselves and to shower justice on us. Hoping they will consider our plea and protect us and the upcoming forensic post graduates and the future undergraduates. Well wishes to all those who came to this Nobel profession and who are expected to join this medical field.
Finally we teach in our first chapter of forensic medicine and toxicology that, the definition states “ Forensic Medicine is application of the medical knowledge to aid in the administration of Justice”. Let us join our hands, long live forensic medicine, fight for survival and existence, success will come.  

                        M.B.B.S M.D.
Dept of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology,
M.R.Medical College, Sedam Road,
Mahadevappa Rampure Marg,
Gulbarga - 585105.
karnatak. - India.
M.Nos. 09844306139, 09482742853, 09845185320.

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