Letters by Dr.Adarsh (8th march, 12th march)

Letter dated March 12th

Dear All
The last month has witnessed so many things pertaining to subject as well as
IAFM. firstly we observe black Day by putting black ribbons on 5th Feb which was
highly successful and cretaed extreme pressure on MCI to consider our genuine
demands. subsequently various commitees were formed viz.Academic, National

Coordination, State Coordination as well as Brainstroming and Legal comprising
of forensic fretarnity from whole contry. Ultimatley a meeting was held on 18-19
Feb at MCi to revise and update MBBS curriculum which is need of hour. MCI
agreed to increase teaching hours to 150, marks to 300 and most importanly the

teaching from 3-6 sem and exams at end of Final Prof Part-1 as well as
compoulsory internship training under FMT thus shifting the subject from
paraclinical level to sub-clinical level as submitted by IAFM memo dt 15 Jan and
7th Feb.( All these informations in detail are available at blogspot cretaed for
Vision-2015 i.e. www.forensicmedicine123.blogspot ).

Afterwards one more meeting with MCI was held on 6-7 Mar which finetuned the
curriculum with vertical and horizontal integration so as to avoid the
duplication as well commensurating with present scenario.  We are quite hopeful
that it will be a new begining for the subject and there will be no need to take
legal recourse .However the basic groundwork has already been done and if needed
it will also be taken but not unnecessarily dragging. As such the final
curriculum will also be made available by end of this month for further inputs
as communicated by MCI.

Well now please find attached herewith the minutes of General Body Meeting of
IAFM held at Nellore for information of all .One can very well see that IAFM is
marching ahead in a very methodical manner for overall strengthening of forensic

With regards
 Dr. Adarsh Kumar
General Secretary, Indian Academy of Forensic Medicine(2010-2013)
Faculty, Forensic Medicine & Toxicology
R.No.315, 2nd Floor, New Forensic Wing
All India Institute of Medical Sciences
Ansari Nagar, NEW DELHI- 110 029, INDIA

Ph: 09868438856, 0120-2462449 (Res.)
Minutes of the General Body Meeting of, 32nd Annual conference of
IAFM held on 28th January 2011, 4.30 PM onwards at Narayana
Medical College, Nellore, Andhra Pradesh.

85 Life Members of IAFM attended the meeting and hence quorum was
completed since 50 life members are required to be present for
conduction of the proceedings related to IAFM business as well as
constitutional amendments; if any. Names and signatures of life
members who attended the meeting were taken in the life member’s
register. Meeting was called in order by the President, IAFM Dr D S
Badkur. The agenda for general body meeting was earlier circulated
vide letter no IAFM/AK/32 dated 19th January 2011 to all life members
and point-wise discussion on various agenda items is as follows:
1. The names of the 3 departed souls i.e. life members of IAFM
who passed away during 2010-11, were read by President and a
two minute silence was observed.
2. The minutes of the last general body meeting held at Gandhi
Medical College, Bhopal on 07-02-2010 was approved.
3. Last Governing Council Meeting minutes held on 28-01-2011
from 11AM to 12 Noon were approved.
4. The life membership of IAFM was conferred to new members
from Life membership no 731 to 848 and the names of life
members would be displayed at conference venue. The
provisional life members mentioned as 339(B) and 488 (B) in
respect of Dr Sudhir Gupta and Dr Kewal Krishan as per the life
member’s directory was discussed. In view of the submission of
Dr Sudhir Gupta, his life membership no. was regularized and
given the number as 736. In respect of Dr Kewal Krishan it was
decided that the life membership may not be granted to him
since he is a non-medical person and not affiliated to any Medical College at present. Therefore the money deposited by
him towards life membership amounting to Rs 2000/- needs to
be returned.
5. Regarding Grant of IAFM Fellowship: Dr Adarsh Kumar, General
Secretary received only one application from Dr C R Dode,
Latur, Maharashtra which was found in order and the same was
approved by the governing council as well as general body. Dr
KWD Ravichander from Karnataka brought to the notice of
general body that he has given his application towards
fellowship along with requisite money of Rs 5000/- to Dr
A.S.Thind, Treasurer last year during Bhopal conference. Dr
Thind neither forwarded the application of fellowship from Dr
Ravichander to General Secretary, nor did he communicate
anything in this regard to the General Secretary. Since he is not
attending the annual conference at Nellore also, so it cannot be
verified at this stage. However, Dr Adarsh Kumar assured him
that the same will be verified from Treasurer and if everything is
in order his name may also approved for grant of Fellowship for
the year 2010 itself which was approved by general body. Both
these fellowships and others for year 2011 will be conferred the
medallion during next conference in 2012.
6. The General Secretary submitted that in absence of official
website, he felt handicapped since for effective communication
and proper coordination the official website in a proper manner
needs to be developed under his supervision and management.
Dr. AS Thind who was earlier entrusted to make the official
website in year 2006 but could not accomplish the task.
Afterwards Dr Gorea was authorized to develop the IAFM
website, but was found using the IAFM website as his personal
promotion platform. Therefore, both Dr R K Gorea and Dr Thind
may be requested to delete such website which could create any impression regarding the official website of IAFM. It was
also decided that a reminder letter/email will be sent for
withdrawal of the same and both Dr AS Thind and Dr RK Gorea
should submit the desired communication to registrar/In-charge
Domain Registration under intimation to General Secretary.
Henceforth new official website of IAFM will be created to be
managed by General Secretary along with Editor (related to
Journals) in their official capacity. The license of new URL
address of the official website will be taken by General
Secretary within three months which will be ONLY OFFICIAL
WEBSITE OF IAFM. The Web Secretary will be General
Secretary himself and he will be responsible for maintaining and
updating various information. The Editor will be responsible for
the various communications pertaining to IAFM journals/articles
on his icon in this official website. When the tenure of the office
bearer changes, they will handover the charge to next
7. Journal License Agreement with EBSCO Publishing as
proposed by Editor was discussed in detail; however it was not
approved since it may be in violation of terms and conditions of
earlier agreement made with Diwan Enterprises
(Indianjournals.com). Also it was felt that since now every article
is attracting Rs. 1000/- towards handling charges; the journal
has come into a position of self-sufficiency. Now we must try to
improve the quality of the journal so that it can be indexed with
premier indexing agencies like Index Medicus, Scopus, etc. Also
since now the journal will be available on official website of
IAFM, there is no need to host it on any other website.
8. General Secretary brought out that renewal of registration of
IAFM is due since 2005 and it has become essential to get it
renewed at the earliest so that if any legal action is to be taken by IAFM in wake of various recommendations of MCI, there
should not be any legal lacunae. He also submitted that he has
already communicated with Dr Madhu from Goa in this context
regarding various formalities/documents needed for the renewal
but he has not received any reply in this context. General body
authorized him to pursue the matter so as to get the renewal at
the earliest.
9. Amendments in IAFM Constitution: The raising of tenure of
IAFM governing council from 2 years to 3 years was discussed
in view of the minutes of IAFM conference held at Nagpur in the
year 2009 when this issue was raised for the second time by Dr
Madhu (earlier also it was raised in 2006 but without any
positive discussion). Now it is unanimously approved that the
tenure of IAFM governing council will be increased to 3 years
(instead of 2 years) with immediate effect. This will be of
immense help while facilitating the renewal of society. The
present governing council will therefore continue up to
2013 when the next election will be held. This has become all
the more important when the fraternity is facing the possibility of
extinction when this governing council is fighting with tooth and
nail with MCI.
The restructuring of the composition of executive
members having proper zonal representation for better
co-ordination i.e. 2 from each zone was unanimously
approved. To ensure equal representation from all zones
at all levels the executive members comprising 10 in
number at present shall be subdivided into each zone
(just as vice president and joint secretary) having two
members. In case there is no representation from a
particular zone at the time of election, President and
Secretary are authorized to fill the vacant post from
concerned zone only by co-opting suitable members in the best interest of academy. This will be implemented
from the next election of IAFM w.e.f. 2013.
10. Venue for next conference was decided as Raipur, Chattisgarh
and the Organizing Secretary will be Prof RK Singh, from Pt Jawahar Lal Nehru Medical College. He is requested
the desired undertaking to General Secretary IAFM.
The issue of policy allotment of the conference was
discussed in detail and it was decided
one offer is received for hosting the conference, the
preference will be given to the zone/state who has not
hosted it earlier.
11. Regarding non-submission of 10% registration fee by previous organizing secretaries, from year 2005 to 2009, it was decided
to send a reminder letter to all of them for the necessary
12. An expenditure of Rs.20,000/annum was approved by general
body for running office expenses of the General Secretary.
Since it has become necessary when the IAFM website will be
maintained, the cost of its management may be further
increased over and above this expenditure. However any
expenditure has to be brought before governing council/ general
body for its approval.
13. It was observed that many governing council members are not
attending the meetings. Therefore they are requested to attend
the meetings as well as provide their active inputs in it.
14. The meeting ended with the vote of thanks by the General

(Dr Adarsh Kumar)
Gen Sec, IAFM


Letter dated 8th march (To YAFMT)
DEAR Colleagues and PG students
Refernce mintues of meeting dt 26 febPlease update me about the RTI whether it has been filed till date or not. It is more than a week and I believe it must have been filed by now. An earliest reply is required. Also please send me the copy of the said rti querry
Dr. Adarsh Kumar
General Secretary, Indian Academy of Forensic Medicine(2010-2013)
Faculty, Forensic Medicine & Toxicology
R.No.315, 2nd Floor, New Forensic Wing
All India Institute of Medical Sciences
Ansari Nagar, NEW DELHI- 110 029, INDIA

Ph: 09868438856, 0120-2462449 (Res.)

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