The Hon'ble Chairman
Board of Governors
Medical Council Of India , New Delhi.
All the Forensic Medicine Fraternity was shocked to know that the subject has been included in Non core group & optional one in MBBS curriculum. This is a hard blow to the faculty at a time when it is speedily developing & giving important services in the process of crime investigation & administration of
justice in addition to UG & PG Teaching.
The document also says that "Toxicology will be taught by Pharmacology Faculty, Injuries by Surgery & Sexual offenses by Gynaec faculty.This hardly forms 10 to 15 % of the subject. Who will teach Identification, Medicolegal aspects of death, Asphyxia,Forensic Dentistry, Forensic Psychiatry,Autopsy, Medical negligence, Mass disaster management & ............... the list is practically endless.It is a fact that every upcoming faculty must be nurtured properly & encouraged so that it develops in an all round manner to deliver goods in terms of service to the society. But unfortunately the document seems to be bent upon totally destroying thr faculty of forensic medicine. The document also says that the subject must be only there for post graduation.Sir if the subject is optional right during graduation level , then how students will be encouraged to understand , be aware of and develop interest in choosing Forensic Medicine as their future.
Sir, 90% Medico-Legal work in the country is done by medical officers who are plain MBBS by qualification . If this subject is made optional and also fractured in terms of multiple specialty faculty teaching the same then it will really create a havoc , this is because these medical graduates who are unaware of all the principles of theory and practice of Forensic Medicine will not be able to work in periphery because of very lack of awareness and approach . They will not be able to handle the Medico-Legal cases & perform Postmortem Examination. Hence, it is necessary that the subject must be compulsorily included in the MBBS Curriculum and infact it must be given more weightage in terms of teaching hours and maximum marks.
Crime is said to be social disease and it needs to be prevented & cured at all levels . A medical Officer and a Forensic Expert doubtlessly helps in this process by aiding the process of Crime Investigation and administration of Justice which results in conviction of the guilty . This creates deterrence in minds of budding criminals and also automatically helps in absolute cure .
I hope that u`ll kindly appreciate this role of Forensic Medicine and will certainly give justice to the faculty which gives justice to the millions of victims of crime .
Thanking you,
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