
MCI BOG is in bad shape than the previous MCI.When they do not the value of the subject(FORENSIC MEDICINE & TOXICOLOGY) they cannot raise the issue to get rid of it, instead they should be keen to know its importance. At the outset, no MBBS doctor will be willing to handle Post mortems and they make faces as and when such cases come to them(including all other doctors of various departments Except Forensic Experts), it is the Forensic Experts who handle all medico legal cases and face the courts and aid in justice by extending co operation with police and judiciary systems. Every other doctors will show their backs when it comes to matter of Post mortems or handling medico legal cases and attendig courts. Such is the present scenario of our medical field and doctors and also UG students, and MCI BOG is thinking it is having least importance? A specialist can only be born if he turns out to be a Good Basic Competent Doctor, who should be aware of not only basic medical aspects but also medico legal aspects.I hope MCI BOG are aware that any doctor be it specialist of any field turns his hand to a medico legal consultant  who is Forensic Expert, if they get strangled in any civil or criminal negligence suit, only then it strikes to their grey matter that indeed they require Forensic doctors? As faculty we all are striving hard to teach UG students the importanceof forensic subject irrespective of cases dealt and it is those medical laymans(MCI BOG) who are planning to eliminate it. If they have a vision 2015 or whatever, then they should think of improving the medical field rather than removing subjects which needs more emphasis.There are so many other issues to be looked for by MCI BOG, not just doing unjust acts.
Thanking you.

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