Dr. R Kaushal

Dear BOG,
‘Vision 2015’ appears to be more of a ‘TUBE-VISION’ .
How can a group of just 8 people sit and make a “VISION’ for the whole
fraternity? They should have taken representation from all the
departments and sections of the profession.
BOG, kindly take note that ‘nobody’ has appreciated this document in
whatever media form you go through. And this has to be a kept in mind
whenever a decision is taken.
The only good steps BOG took towards a ‘common entrance’ test have
fallen on face.
The steps those will produce an ‘assembly- line’ of doctors will
definitely find favour with the government. The government is
concerned with the ‘numbers and statistics’ which BOG is catering too.
Now specific lacunae of the document-
1.      Increasing training capacity :  proposal of increasing seats in the
existing colleges should never be implemented. Imagine a class of
‘250’ students. Even, 150 students is big enough to handle.

2.      Private partnership:  A doctor produced in a private set-up will
never go to a rural area. What about the amount of money he/she has
put in. (4-5 lacs per year is legal fee in a private  medical
college). So, increasing private partnership has not improved the
rural medical scenario.

3.      Dual /Adjunct appointment:   This will lead to a lot of malpractice
(of visiting faculty in pvt set-ups)  which MCI had controlled to a
larger extent. In private colleges, even now a number of teachers are
just on the rolls and they come to show their face to the MCI. This
will be a ‘jack-pot’ for them as they would be able to juggle between
3 jobs – Two medical colleges and a private – practise. ‘Super-

4.      Increasing age:  Is ‘70’ years of retirement age already allowed by
MCI not enough.

5.      Tapping consultant pool who have left the government service:  This
will give a further ‘incentive’  to leave a government job.
6.      Curriculum changes : This is a heavily biased group (BOG) who have
given an undue importance to their own subjects. If Forensic medicine
can be taught by other departments, why cannot we do away with
anatomists and physiologists?  Anatomy of abdomen can be taught by a
general surgeons, of limbs by orthopedicians, of eye by
ophthalmologists. Physiology of various systems can also be taken by
concerned clinical departments. Biochemistry has little practical
utility. For a ‘basic’ doctor why teach pathology? Hb and urine
testing is enough.
7.       Making certain subjects like Eye, ENT, Ortho, Derma etc elective.
It appears that India has become free from these disorders. Or is BOG
making them super-speciality. Can you be elective in giving basic
treatment to a patient. That means an MBBS who has not taken Eye or
ENT or Ortho as elective, should refuse to see if a patient from the
related problem comes.
My personal opinion is that most of the BOG are either on the verge of
retiring or on the verge of leaving the government job or already in a
private set-up. That’s why this biased vision.
BOG should set aside the personal bias and abandon this document if
they really feel for the profession and public of India.
It will be a challenge for BOG to first get their proposal of common
entrance tests for both UG & PG implemented and if BOG cannot get it
through, they have no right to implement Vision-2015.
Hope the  BOG will realise the blunder they are going to make and save
this profession which is already biting dust.

Dr. R Kaushal

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