Additional Comments & Suggestions on VISION -2015 Dr Adarsh Gen Sec IAFM

No. IAFM/AK/35 Dated: 7th Feb. 2011;
The Board of Governors
Medical Council of India
Pocket 14, Sector 8, Dwaraka, Phase 1,
NEW DELHI – 110077
Sub: Ref: VISION -2015 Document having proposed UG Medical Education dt. 28 Dec.2010 with inviting suggestions /comments before 17 Jan.2011 ( further extended to 7th Feb. 2011) available at

Annexure I of proposed UG Med. Educ. of MCI's Vision2015

Annexure II of proposed UG Med. Educ. of MCI's Vision2015

Annexure III of proposed UG Med. Educ. of MCI's Vision2015

Annexure IV of proposed UG Med. Educ. of MCI's Vision2015
This may be read in continuation to my earlier mail vide letter no IAFM/AK/30 dt 15 Jan 2011 sent to your good offices. On behalf of forensic fraternity on persistent requests, I am thankful to you for at least making the so called annexure available on MCI website albeit after 17 Jan and subsequently extending the date of sending the response to 7th Feb .2011. Page 1/4
It is evident that the same were not disclosed purposely because of keeping the things under wrap with a motive to hush up the proceedings which have now come to fore in form of worst possible scenario for forensic medicine. Also it is being learnt that MCI is trying to enforce this subject only at postgraduate level and even convincing the ministry of health; however why it is not workable in Indian scenario has also been placed on record by hundreds of faculty from all over India. It was even abhorred by few lawyers/advocates who became aware when this issue was being highlighted by various media. To protest against the said document even Black Day was observed by medical faculties all across country by wearing black ribbons on 5th Feb 2011. All in all the so called Vision Document has been totally rejected by medical fraternity for obvious reasons. The questions have been raised on plenty of recommendation; however I am just enumerating few of the pertinent ones like:
1. BOG is an adhoc body: whether they are competent to make such kind of recommendation which does not fall under their ambit. Please see the notification of constitution of BOG and their working domain. It seems that because of some personal motive this kind of document has been prepared just to show that drastic changes are needed to reform the medical education.
2. Formation of 8-member committee for UG education and its composition improper representation from various stakeholders/subjects including the background of several members specially the chairman and his college where the subject of forensic medicine is non-existent from last 10 years.
3. Total falsification of data pertaining to projected need as well as shortage of forensic medicine teachers which was probably the basis of such recommendation (table 3)
Very casual approach while formulating these (hundreds of gross mistakes in the draft regard to abovementioned points; which reflects the functioning of such committee
4. Few of other ridiculous recommendation include:
(a)To increase training capacity: by relaxing the norms imagine a class of `250' students where even there is no capacity to teach 150 students; logistic failure.
(b Dual /Adjunct appointment: This will open another Pandora box containing several ethical issues ranging from malpraxis to professional obligation etc.; leading to further deterioration of quality because of divided time schedule; dilution of education
(c)Tapping consultant pool who have left the government service: This will give a further `incentive' to leave a government job.
5.Curriculum changes : Needs in-depth analysis in view of earlier memorandum of IAFM dt 15 Jan. IAFM has analyzed the whole scenario and submitted the desired curricular changes so as to improve whole medical education system.By the recommendations of Vision 2015; in due course of time the only beneficiary will be criminals who will have more acquittals due to poor quality of medicolegal services in the country.
Defence lawyers will be a happy lot in this process as they will have a roaring business due to the serious lapse committed by BOG-MCI while totally overlooking these aspects.
6. As submitted earlier, MCI must take into consideration the draft reports of various committees and judgments of various courts which have time and again emphasized about giving more importance to forensic medicine at undergraduate level and not at postgraduate level as is being tried by BOG to convince the government.
IAFM which represents whole country must be consulted in subsequent meetings regard to subject of forensic medicine .
With sincere regards

(Dr.Adarsh Kumar)
General Secretary, IAFM
Copy to: Hon'ble Health Minister, Govt. of India for his kind information
2. Secretary, Ministry of Health, Govt. of India
3. Secretary, Ministry of Home Affairs, Govt. of India 4. Secretary, Ministry of Law & Justice, Govt. of India Last page 4/4

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