Sir, As per the instructions from the central body of INDIAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION (IMA), we the members of IMA, Nagpur division gathered today for the protest as a part of nationwide protest against BOARD OF GOVERNERS (MCI). This protest was done with co-operation of MAHARASHTRA STATE MEDICAL TEACHERS ASSOCIATION (MSMTA), Nagpur branch and MAHARASHTRA ASSOCIATION OF RESIDENT DOCTORS (MARD) IGGMC & GMC, Nagpur along with their student associations. The rally started at 08:00 A.M. with paying tribute to Rastrapita Mahatma Gandhi. We rallied for about one hour, during which the BOG and their various policies were strongly criticised and condemned. At the end of rally various speakers have demanded for dissolving the BOARD OF GOVERNORS and appointing the new MCI body as soon as possible. The protest was held on following points:- 1. Reduction of teaching staff in medical colleges and in forensic medicine in particular 2. Bachelos of rural health care (BRHC) 3. VISION -2015 document 4. Increasing the age of retirement 5. Clinical establishment act 6. Dissolving the BOARD OF GOVERNORS and appointing the new MCI body as soon as possible
Hereby sending the photographs of this protest for your information. Regards, Dr. Manish Shrigiriwar, Asso. Prof., Dept. of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology, Indira Gandhi Govt.Medical College, Nagpur. (M. S.) |
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