Forensic Medicine KIMS, Bangalore: Feedback sent to MCI in the format suggested by Dr.Vasanth.

i discussed with all the staff members of my department at KIMS,Bangalore we unanimously agreed on the following inputs for the proposed Vision 2015 of MCI document-curriculum changes in Forensic Medicine in MBBS.
Before thinking of changing the curriculum of forensic medicine MCI should understand the conduct of medico legal work by Doctors in India.
All the doctors of Government of India and all State Government have to conduct medico legal postmortem and all other medico legal work like examination of Sexual Offence Cases,issuing Wound Certificate,Age estimation,treating  and attending medico legal duties in poisoning,burns and Dowry Death cases.This is a compulsory duty prescribed by the government and courts.There is no excuse for this duty of medical officers.Attending to medicolegal cases by Doctors of private hospitals is also compulsory as per supreme court directives.There is also no excuse for this as per court directives.
To attend to the above objectives our MBBS doctors should be taught Forensic Medicine compulsorily.If this is not done, whole system of conducting postmortem work and related government and court cases in murders,assaults,accidents,sexual offences and other criminal cases will be severely hampered all over India.
So Forensic Medicine should be taught as a compulsory subject by teachers qualified in forensic Medicine(not as a elective subject taught by non Forensic Faculty).Integrated teaching with OBG,Medicine, Surgery and other subjects should be in addition to above basic teaching by Forensic Faculty.
As MBBS students tend to give importance to a subject only if it is a Exam Subject,Forensic Medicine should be an Exam subject in 2nd MBBS (as it is now) or (if it can be adjusted)in Final MBBS.
The syllabus should include mainly
1.Legal Procedures,Medical Law and Ethics
2.Death and changes after Death,Postmortems
3.Dowry Deaths.
4.Injureis-in Murders,Road traffic and Railways accident,Burns,Firearm Injuries.
5.Asphyxial Deaths like Hanging,Strangulation and Drowing.
6.Sexual Offences.
7.Poisoning in India.
8.Various Acts that Doctor has to be familiar with like MTP,PNDT,CPA,Organ Transplantation Act 
All the Medical Colleges including Private Medical Colleges(as in state of Karnataka)should be permitted by respective governments to conduct postmortem and all medical colleges should compulsorily do the same as it is needed for training MBBS Students other wise the future MBBS Doctors will not be able to function efficiently as Government Medical Officers.
I have forwarded the e-mail of office bearers of Karnataka medico legal society,South Indian Medico legal Association and Indian Academy of Forensic Medicine,where they have given a detailed input for Vision 2015 MCI document concerned with Forensic Medicine. Kindly go through the forwarded e-mails.
With Regards,
Prof & HOD and Faculty ,Department of forensic medicine,KIMS,Bangalore.

Date: Tue, 25 Jan 2011 06:16:17 -0800
Subject: Your input

Dear Madam / Sir,

This is regarding the Vision 2015 of MCI. I am herewith mailing you the document  and I request you to give me your valuable input regarding any curricular changes you woild like to suggest.Please send it by 28th Jan.

With warm regards,



Dear All,
I am Dr Amita Joshi, Prof of Pathology, Seth G S Med College, Mumbai.
I have conducted first meeting of Pathology teachers from GMC, Nair (TNMC), Sion (LTMMC).
We have come up with following suggestions as far as Pathology as a subject is concerned.
1 General Pathology like basic Pathologic mechanisms of injury, inflammation, circulatory disturbances, Neoplasia and entire gen path, Hematology, blood banking etc can be covered in 2nd year ie 3rd & 4th terms. During this time horizontal integration with microbio & or Pharmac dept is possible for teaching infectious diseases like TB, Malaria, leprosy, typhoid, amoebic inf , AIDS, immunology to name a few.
2 Systemic pathology like diseases of Aliment.syst. respiratory syst, CVS, Liver genitourinary syst, CNS and of course all systemic path along with LFT, RFT etc can be covered entirely along with Medicine, Surgery, OBGY Pediatrics etc. this will be taught along with clinical subjects during 5th, 6th, 7th 8th terms and also probably partly in 4th term. Also interpretation of lab tests results will be delt with during this period.
3 Pathology assessment would take place at the end of 4th term but the portion will be only Gen path, Hematol, blood banking & some part of clin path.
4 If at all systemic path assessment is planned seperately, it would take place in 8th term when students appear for final examination
5 In first MBBS, newer methods in laboratory like automation etc can be introduced
6 All subjects faculty (ie basic sciences and clinical subjects) should sit together to chalk out integrated teaching programmes in details & assessment methods in absolute details.
7 complete details of whatever changes are finalised - they have to be communicated to each and every teacher in all med schools.
8 Proper training of teachers to adapt the changes.
Thanks for your attention.
Dr Amita Joshi.
P S Just one request: All concerned Path teachers pl give you inputs. Thanks.
Dr Amita joshi.

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