Forensic medicine is the subject teaches the application of every branch of medical sciences to the purposes of law. Although medicine is practiced in much the way globally, but the forensic medicine is not so since the law differs from country to country. However the interpretation of knowledge of medicine with the law must be suited to the law of the land. This is how the subject of forensic medicine is bridging and blending the law and medicine. Teaching this subject need expert knowledge which can be gained only by repeated constant exposure in examination, evaluation and appraisal of observed facts in the court of law. All the above mentioned scientific work can be effectively taught only by medico-legal expert not by medical teachers other speciality, since the medical examination is differs from medico-legal examination. Though forensic medicine comes under medical curriculum it is also governed by constitution of India, civil and criminal procedure codes and Indian evidence act. As the obligations not only teach the ethics, etiquette to the medical students but also to assist criminal investigations by medico-legal examination, retrieval of trace evidences, scene visit, offering medico-legal opinion and also attending courts of various categories to give evidence .Hence removing or modifying the subject requires concurrence of law enforcement and judicial authorities. Substitution of teachers other than competent forensic specialists will definitely invite criticisms and even attract action under penal laws also. Inclusion of forensic medicine by vision- 2015 under ‘C’category is highly ridiculous done with ulterior motive misguided by jealous immature professionals. It is nothing but an act of a mother killing one of her child under illusion.
Forensic medicine is an applied medical science which requires both medical and legal knowledge. Already a great injustice done to the subject by bringing into second MBBS and optional posting for CRRI. As the foundation of population of forensic doctors in this country is less in proportion, just imagine how these surgeons, gynaecologist and pharmacologist helping in deduction of criminals and helping to deliver justice to poor victims.
To ensure a crime free society in our country, forensic medicine should be taught in final MBBS course as a clinical subject, minimum of fifteen days compulsory posting for CRRI and also include as a basic science subject in all post graduate courses. Finally it is strongly objected to vision 2015 and also register our strong protest. So as to revise all the suggestion by consulting the forensic faculties all over the country to bring a better vision in future.
Dr.K.Thangaraj M.D
Professor & Head, Forensic Medicine Dept.,
SRM Medical College & Research centre,
Pothery, Katankolathur,
Kanchipuram - 603203
Earlier version: (this is not sent to MCI)
Any Doctors can teach the action of poison in human body but nobody can categorically say the manner of poisoning that can be done only by corroborating the circumstances surrounding the death, analytical report as well as the postmortem findings. The pharmacologist can teach effectively the drugs indications, contraindications, untoward reactions to a drug and also the antidote, all these details will be taught to the medical students during the final year by the medicine professor, the pharmacologist do not know what to do with a dead body in which the cause of death is due to drug reaction, they do not know how to certify the death and when and where and how to give the death certificate.
Any Doctors can teach the action of poison in human body but nobody can categorically say the manner of poisoning that can be done only by corroborating the circumstances surrounding the death, analytical report as well as the postmortem findings. The pharmacologist can teach effectively the drugs indications, contraindications, untoward reactions to a drug and also the antidote, all these details will be taught to the medical students during the final year by the medicine professor, the pharmacologist do not know what to do with a dead body in which the cause of death is due to drug reaction, they do not know how to certify the death and when and where and how to give the death certificate.
There are so many sections, allotted in the Indian penal code in which no doctor is familiar except a forensic person.
Regarding the injury case the doctors who are qualified in accident and emergency medicine is more competent than surgeons but unfortunately the post graduate course in accidental and emergency medicine does not have even an atom of forensic aspect of trauma. Now a days all the injury cases requires medical opinion for dispensing justice in the right way and also award the compensatiom to the poor victim. These two important legal responsibilities is known only to forensic specialists.
Even in prevention of infections and contagious disease the doctors may be well versed but they do not know the law which governs this occurrence of endemics. They do not know how to organize a team approach to manage mass disasters either natural or man made this is how every bits and pieces of medical work requires legal Interpretation for proper documentation, appraisal in the court and also to award disability benefits all these knowledge blending the medicine with law is taught effectively only by forensic qualified doctor not by any body else.
90% of medico legal cases are dealt in this country by MBBS and non forensic post graduate doctors, of these cases several cases are being acquitted in the court of law because of lack of forensic knowledge among them.
How can the Gynecologists can give medical opinion regarding the sexual assault like rape, unnatural sexual offences like sodomy etc. they can give their opinion regarding the damage which has taken place to the particular area during assault but they cannot give their opinion regarding what circumstances have made for such sexual assault. A person who assaults sexually with intension or with out intension using his behavior as a perverted can do such act. The mental faculty of the person, his perverted nature can be studied by only forensic experts rather than gynecologists.
So this subject must be given importance in order to create a crime free society and crime free India. We hope that competent people from each state in this specialty must be given an opportunity to be a member in the curriculum revision committee.
Dr. K. Thangaraj,
Prof. & Head,
Dept. of Forensic Medicine,
SRM Medical Collge,
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