Dr. Adarsh Kumar.......(Feb 18th 4.30pm)

Dear all
Yesterday I had a detail discussion with all nominated members fro the meeting
at mCI guest house and finalised our strategy.The meeting is going on and they
are in the midst of meeting. as per my telephonic conversation almost half of
the battle has been won.Whole discussion is centreing around what I posted in
mail dt 15 Jan. and subsequently 7th Feb. The subject is core group exam will be
in final prof part I it will be taught from 3 to 6 sem ( 2 years). Dedtails will
follow after the meeting.
Please wait for time being. Your patience will be appreciated
 Dr. Adarsh Kumar
General Secretary, Indian Academy of Forensic Medicine(2010-2013)
Faculty, Forensic Medicine & Toxicology
R.No.315, 2nd Floor, New Forensic Wing
All India Institute of Medical Sciences
Ansari Nagar, NEW DELHI- 110 029, INDIA

Ph: 09868438856, 0120-2462449 (Res.)


  1. great news relentless activism finally beginning to pay off

  2. g8 .................. thanks a lot of all senior faculty member for kind support

  3. where there is a will there is a way...UNITED we STAND....hope we have proved our unity....

  4. Sir, Kindly beware of BOG intention as this 2 years curriculum of FMT may be distributed in piecemeal to other subjects and our specialty may disappear. BOG must clearify the requirement of Faculty, teaching hours and marks for examination as separate subject. We are teaching our subject and because of this, MBBS doctors are doing ML and autopsy work in the field only based on their UG level knowledge what presently is being taught as UG curriculum. Anther concern of ours is what is the need of reducing UG course duration to 4 years as in recent times the Medical Science is growing very fast and there is need to enhance the duration rather than reducing it. So, we should be very cautious as BOG intention is yet not clear. They are in hurry to implement Vision-2015 document. It is copied and pasted as obvious from our one of the colleague's post on blog. BOG have no time to sit and apply their mind for development of FMT in our country. Nepal like small country has integrated teaching of other subjects in 1st and 2nd Prof. but Forensic is not included in integrated teaching, it is taught as separate subject and it carries 800 marks in Univ. examination. Our BOG and Vision -2015 committee members have not studied Nepal's curriculum. They should think over it.

  5. All is wellll....For the first time in the history of forensic medicine we have shown our combined strength.Rightly said UNITED WE STAND .Hope this unity remains forever and gets reflected during every troubled times. Guys now its up to us to take this subject to a new high. Do not stop until we acheive complete victory.

  6. Its a good sign. I am also eagerly waiting for the outcome of the meeting. The combined efforts of all is really appreciable, especially senior persons who have given their support for the benefit of future of this subject as well as new comers in this fraternity.
