Dr.Prateek Rastogi: widespread effects of sidelining forensic medicine

Dear Sir
This move by MCI-BOG to sideline forensic medicine will have widespread effects like

-Students after passing MBBS will enter into private practice without any knowledge of mediccolegal issues which is dangerous not only to society but also for them in preesent era of litigations.
-If students are not taught Forensic medicine at MBBS level they willbe totally unaware about the subject. Then where comes the issue of persuing it at PG level.
- If Medical colleges does not require forensic medicine teachers where will be job opportunities for existing staff as well as for fresh post graduates. 
-In absence of job opportunities i doubt if any one wpould like to pursue this specialiuty as career which will result in shortage of forensic medicine specialists in the country.
- Already a large no of post mortem and other medicolegal issues are handled by either MBBS graduates or by doctors from other specialities(common scenario in many states) resulting in pooor quality of mediccolegal reports and opinions. This leads to denial of justice to public. If these "VISION 2015" guidelines are implemented it will onlyt add to the problem.
-If there will be less or no forensic persons who will do the post mortem and other medicolegal works.
-As per BOG forensic medicine should not be part of MBBS curriculum and health ministry instead it has to be taken care by Home dept. I would like to say that forensic medicine is a speciality in medical field. It is a postgraduation degree course which has to be pursued by MBBS graduate doctors only. It is related to human body directly . So it should bve a part of ministry of health as well as MBBS syllabus.
- In present era we have to go forward and explore new horizons in all medical specialities. present action by BOG is a retrospective action.
- BOG argues that ministry wants to reduce duration of MBBS curriculum by 6 months. I wish to question the logic behind this , do we just want to produce doctors or should we aim to produce quality doctors. Even if BOG is not bothered aboutr quality will a reduction of 6 months make a hell lot of difference.
-Without the knowledge of forensic medicine how can a doctor sitting at PHC or even district hospital level ensure quality medicolegal service to the needy patients.
-BOG says that postmortem and medicolegal issues are related to ministry of home with no liablity on shoulders of MCi and medical profession. I wish to ask that as doctors and as responsible citizens of India doesnt MCI has a social responsiblity towards common public to ensure justice for all by providing whatever help we can as doctors wheter it is treatment or medicolegal help.

Dr.Prateek Rastogi
Associate Professor
Dept. of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology
Kasturba Medical College, Mangalore,India

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